Host An Event
Check out the info below if you're interested in hosting an in-person or virtual events for Forward Fest 2024.
Forward Fest has a Board that sets overall direction for the Festival, and several committees who work on promotions, tech and outreach. We’re always looking for more volunteers to help - let us know if you’re interested!
Anyone can host an event during Forward Fest, as long as the event:
Is open and inclusive
Cross-promotes the Festival and other events
Is related to entrepreneurship, innovation, and creativity
The first step to hosting an event is filling out the event form on the website. Once you’ve submitted, we’ll follow up and let you know of any questions.
You can choose any venue that you like in the greater Madison area; there are no required or “central” venues during the Festival. We find that events near downtown Madison often get more attendees than those farther away, but it’s totally up to you. Let us know if you need suggestions!
The Forward Fest team is here to answer any questions you have and help you with anything you need! Our goal is to make this a smooth event for you and your attendees. We maintain the website, handle Forward Pass ticketing, and manage the registration system. We will provide you with social media tools and guidelines to help you promote your event, and do some promotion to our email lists and social media followers. If there’s anything you need, just ask!
The Few Events Forward Pass allows access to a large percentage of Forward Festival events. All Inclusive Forward Pass allows access to all events.
When someone buys a Forward Pass, they'll get access to most events and have the option to add swag like a t-shirt. Please let us know if your event has limited capacity, so we can be sure that Forward Pass holders know your event is first come, first served for them.
You do not need to pay a fee to be part of the Forward Festival. You are welcome to host an event, as long as you follow the guidelines outlined in this FAQ.
You can sell tickets, solicit sponsorships, or ask for in-kind donations to fund your event. The Festival will recognize any sponsors that give more than $2,500 across all events (including in-kind donations, such as event space), which will get their names on signs at the Festival's 40+ events.
In order to do that, we ask that you please let us know of any event sponsors who commit to supporting your event.
There will be some attendees who find your event from the Forward Fest website, app, and other promotions, or through your listing with the Forward Pass. However, because the calendar is so busy, you should plan to get the majority of your attendees through your own network and promotions. Remember that your event can be any size you like - in fact, some of the most effective events are smaller in scale.
Forward Festive-ale is beer brewed specifically for Forward Fest by a local brewery. You can order this beer in kegs of various sizes or cans on the event form, and serve it at your event. An invoice will be handled through your event venue, or sent directly to the person you indicate on the event form. Please be sure you are following the alcohol service policies of your event venue, which may mean having your caterer order the beer directly. We can help if you have questions.
Event details due for listing on website
Last day to add sponsors for Forward signage (can be on website if added later)
Last day to order a Forward Pass with swag
First day of Forward Festival
Event submissions will open in March, 2024. If you are interested in hosting an event and have questions, please email